09 December 2004

One Down, One to Go!

Next week I have two essays due for my university course. Last night I finished the first, Free Movement of Workers and a Move to EU Citizenship. This is how I tackled that sucker:

o The EU was not initially concerned with anything more than economic motives in regards to the freedom of movement of workers, and this was supported by early ECJ case law.
o This has progressively evolved towards giving more social rights than necessary for purely economic motives through a growing body of case-law.
o The move has been seen as a shift to EU “citizenship” although this is still incomplete and does not give rights to all citizens of Europe equally but has been creeping in through case-law.

My outline for the essay was nine pages long (single spaced) because I decided I was tired of wading through the stack of cases and journal articles I had on my desk, so I put all the relevant material I wanted to use into one Word document. It probably took me as long to do that as it did to write the final paper! Oh, and the final paper was eight pages long (double spaced).

Now I have to attack my tort law essay. This one is going to drive me nuts for the next week. It's a problem question, and I hate problem questions. I prefer the more theoretical essays. Still, at least it's not as bad as contract law, which I had to do last year. I hated contract law!

These two essays aren't the end of my troubles in the near future; they are just the cause of my current stress. I have two more essays due after Christmas, one in criminal law and one in criminological research methods. The criminal law one is going to be interesting because it's theory-based and allows for lots of personal opinion. I've been looking for material already because it's such an interesting topic: should judges make law on morality? (That's paraphrasing, but you get the idea.)

I also have a criminological theory exam at the end of January. Ahhhh, the life of a mature university student! At least I've never shown up to class with a hangover (like someone did this morning -- you know who you are!).


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