01 December 2004

The Dallas Obsessions

Call me thick, but I never noticed this before. Why is it that the two obsessions for people when they think of Dallas are a pair of shootings approximately 20 years apart? It was only last night after I posted my blog that I put the two together. "Who shot JFK?" and "Who shot JR?".

It's just a shame that the JFK assassination isn't as cut and dried as the fictional shooting of JR. Someone recently told me that they have read every conspiracy theory book written, and they have come to the conclusion there's no way Lee Harvey Oswald could have done it.

Thanks heavens we know that Kristin shot JR. Unless the producers of "Dallas" make another reunion film where we find out that it was really a dream ...


Blogger g d townshende said...

Really? Those are the only two obsessions? I'd think some folk might put the Dallas Cowboys up there, but what do I know? I'm not a Texan. I'm a borderline Michigander, by which I mean I was born on the Michigan side of the Michigan/Canadian border. No, not in Detroit. There's yet another place where Michigan borders Canada: Sault Ste. Marie (pronounced soo-sainte-marie).

3:47 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Nah, they're not the only obsessions for people from Dallas because believe me, you're right about the Cowboys! I suppose they're the two obsessions for the British people I speak to. Of course, not many people here are familiar with the NFL, or else they would probably be Cowboy fans too! ;-)

5:45 pm  

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