22 March 2005

Diary Entry

7.54 pm What a crap day! The weather is crap, and everyone around here is acting stupid. Simon told me yesterday that we were going to get a start on spring cleaning the house today. So what did I do after I took the boys to school? I got started on our bedroom. I stopped after a while to take a break, then mentioned something to Simon about doing some studying upstairs. I didn't say when, but he snapped, "I thought you were cleaning our bedroom?" I went upstairs and finished it. What was he doing the whole time? Either playing on his computer or stretched out on the couch watching television. He's "stressed". But he did tell me that I would help him clean the cupboard under the stairs this week. In other words, I'll get to do it. He was also going to see about putting in a sink his dad gave him yesterday. Our kitchen sink is knackered. He's not lifted a finger to do that either.

The kids have all been playing up. Even Braden. He was just trying to get Jack into trouble by saying "Jack was sneaking those cookies". I asked him when because I'd sent Jack to bed, and he said "about half an hour ago". Malorie has inherited my pink jumper because someone didn't pay attention and put it in the drier. It'll never fit me again, unless I shrink.

So since Simon is stressed, now I'm stressed, too. At least I managed to get that tooth re-filled today without him numbing me up or drilling more.


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