19 March 2005

Diary Entry

1.19 pm I had some really weird dreams last night. I was in Brussels again, and I wanted "Dan" to go with me to see the Tower of London. Why the Tower of London was in Brussels, I don't know. That's typical of my dreams though. Anyway, he didn't want to wake up to go. I did a lot of wandering around the hotel, and even went into the wrong room to try to wake him up. At one point I could hear him making noises in his sleep (in the dream my room was across the hall from his), so I went in and covered him up because he was freezing. Very strange dream.

Then in the second dream, I was sitting in the uni canteen with one of my crim theory lecturers, and he had brought his lunch with him: a salad and three corned beef sandwiches with either grape jam or cranberry sauce on them. He left to go do something, and I ended up eating his sandwiches, then had to hide from him so he didn't shout at me.

I got up at 4.00 to watch F1 practice and qualifying 1 on German television, but ended up taping it while I dozed off and on. The replay on British telly is just starting.

7.58 pm I'm ready and just sitting around waiting for Allan and Shell. They've "convinced" Simon to go as well, but he doesn't really want to, so he's moping at me. It's only Brim, for heaven's sake! Braden says I look nice, but I had to drag out of Simon how he thought I looked, and I got the standard, "Uh huh". I put on the top I bought off a market stall in Brussels. The last time I wore this -- in fact, the only other time I've worn it -- "Dan" suddenly looked at me during dinner and said, "You're wearing a black bra". I shouldn't have bent over.


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