18 March 2005

I Have GOT to Learn German

I've made my mind up. I am going to learn German. In 24 hours, I have twice been reminded of the fact that it would be more than useful to be a German speaker.

Yesterday in my criminological theory lecture, the lecturer, Matt, asked if any of us were planning on going into academics and lecturing after graduation. He already knew that I was so he pointed to me as he said it. Evidently, since a lot of theory is based in sociology, and there are several eminent publications that were originally written in German (I'm thinking Durkheim and Bech off the top of my head, let alone Marx), it is useful to be able to speak the language because things are often lost in the translation. That's an incentive to learn at least to read German.

Today I have been watching practice from the Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang. We are deprived in the UK. We have to rely on ITV for our Formula One coverage in English, but some of us are lucky enough to have analogue satellite dishes that pick up channels from mainland Europe and a few from the Middle East. German television covers every practice and qualifying session as well as the race. Unfortunately, while I can keep up with what's happening on the track, I can't follow the commentary. That's an incentive to learn to at least comprehend spoken German.

I don't fool myself into thinking I would ever be able to speak the language adequately. My French sounds horrible to my own ears because of my American accent, but it would be a third incentive to be able to speak at least a little bit of German so I can go on holiday in Germany and at least be able to ask where the toilet is!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a friend who wants me to learn German - but she's going overseas in a couple of months for several years...

7:36 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

I could do with learning German and improving my French since the UK is a part of the EU. It would greatly improve my job prospects, not to mention make travel so much easier!

1:15 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I commented at your blog. My mind is mashed potatoes again. I drank too much diet Coke this weekend. I had been limiting myself to 1 per day, then this weekend I had a total of 4!!! Talk about wound up!

Go, go, go on the German, Melinda! :D

I've been go, go, going on my French, and, come the Saturday after next, SJ will test me on what I've learned thus far (90 words/phrases, 10 verbs, 19 numbers). This should be interesting. It the most recent stuff that has me 'worried.' The stuff from my first two lessons I know I've got down pat. It doesn't help that I'll be going away this weekend, either. Ah, but no pressure. I want to learn, but I'm not going to stress out over it. I've had too much stress already this weekend.

6:57 pm  

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