08 March 2005

Diary Entry

4.08 pm Boy, what a long day it's been! I made sure to get up this morning in plenty of time to have breakfast with the boys and have a shower before heading off to uni for my 10.00 lecture, and instead I spent most of my time rushing around trying to do things other people should have been doing! There are only two things that Malorie and Braden have been asked to do in the morning: they both are supposed to be sure that the dog is let out for a pee or crap, then Malorie is supposed to make Ricky and Jack's sandwiches and Braden is supposed to at least try to wake them up. Malorie and Braden insist on getting up at silly hours, and it takes ages to finally drag Ricky and Jack out of bed, so all he has to do it start the process for me. This morning when I came downstairs at 7.45, none of the above had been done and they were taking off for school. That's another rule around here. If they leave the house before 8.00, they're supposed to tell either me or Simon. It's for their own safety so if they go missing or don't show up at school, we know when exactly they left. I can't get that through their heads though. So this morning I spent 15 minutes dragging the boys out of bed, then had to make their sandwiches, then jump in the shower. Turns out the dog shit in the office, too.

My main concern was finding a place to park because there is no car park on campus, and all the side streets have been made restricted parking. I was lucky. I found a decent one that didn't mean a long hike. I know I need the exercise, but it's still a pain to park miles away from the building I need to go to.

I even managed to have a few minutes to fill in my options form for next year. I haven't had a choice of my courses so far for the first and second year, but I get to pick my two criminology modules for year three. I've picked "Victimology and Developments in Victim Policy" and "Criminal Justice Policy". At least I think I did. Suddenly I don't remember what I ticked for the second one, but there were two choices and I'm 99% sure that's what I chose.

I didn't realise how far behind I am in criminal law until I went to my lecture this afternoon! Fortunately I have the notes off the internet.

6.08 pm I have a mountain of studying, but I've been making candles since I got home. Hopefully I can get all my orders out for the weekend. I still have a ton to do. Too bad I don't have more metal bowls for melting the wax because then I could do four scents at a time instead of two, especially when the orders are for only one or two of each type. Wax melts take even longer because I only have one set of moulds. I must look on ebay to see if I can find more.

Simon seems to be feeling a bit better, but he's very contradictory today. He's complaining that he hasn't felt well enough to even make himself some lunch or go get a gas token so that house will warm up (he's been freezing all day instead, makes sense to me), but he told me to stay at uni and study if I needed to. Unfortunately I was half way home when I got that message. I just didn't want to push it because last night, when I mentioned that I was going to have to leave at 8.30 this morning, he said, "Oh, so that means I have to take your kids to school?" It was the "your kids" that I didn't like. On Sunday he wanted me to take Daniel home, but I never would have thought about saying, "You mean I have to take your son home?" If my kids and I are a burden, I'm not afraid to do it all on my own. I have before. But I think he's just cranky and internet-obsessed so he doesn't want to move from in front of the computer.

My abcessed tooth is feeling so much better today. I still have a big lump in the gums beneath it where the dentist had to inject to numb it yesterday, and that's a bit sore, but I think the infection is pretty much gone now. It's only a little bit tender. I even managed to chew something soft on that side of my mouth without pain, which I haven't been able to do in ages.

It was student elections at uni today, and I got a lolly and a toothbrush for voting. Ricky tried to steal my lolly, but I ate it myself. Hey, it was my vote!

9.59 pm I keep trying to make a start on my EU law studies, but no such luck. A new episode of "CSI" was just on, and I was glued to it. No surprise there. It's better than being obsessed by the soaps, at least to me. Simon tends to be the one who watches all the soaps rather than me, but I think it's more out of habit than the fact that he's actually paying attention. Now it's "CSI: Miami" on the telly, but it's one I've seen a couple of times so I might manage some studying.

I was thinking that it would be nice if Malorie and Braden help out in the morning, but Braden has Progress Review Day so he doesn't have to go in to school until his appointment with his form tutor in the afternoon, and I have to take Malorie to a sort of job conference in town. Thank goodness I'm not going to be in any rush to get to uni, but it still would be nice if someone helped out occasionally.

12.29 am Off to bed. I've managed to take notes on three (count 'em, three) cases for tort law. I should have spent less time watching the CSIs.

Simon's not happy with me because he doesn't get a lie in in the morning. I told him he gets a lie in Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I might get one Saturday and Sunday. I don't know what he needs a lie in for really though. He hasn't done anything but sit on his computer. He could have napped all day today if he'd wanted to. I wouldn't have said anything.

Okay, stop bitching about the hubby. It's getting boring, right? I can't help it. It's just in my nature to bitch lately.


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