07 March 2005

Diary Entry

10.54 am I got a good night's sleep and still didn't want to get up when my alarm went off, but I managed to drag myself out of bed and off to the dentist. I wasn't very nervous, though I still wasn't looking forward to this root canal, but it was over and done with in no time at all. I never felt a thing. Now that the numbness is starting to wear off it's hurting a bit, but the dentist said it would because there's still a small amount of infection in that area. At least it's over.

I had a nice chat with Pete. He always makes me feel like smiling, though having him tell me he fell out of a boat and injured himself didn't exactly make my day! I worry about him enough as it is without him chucking himself out of boats!

Simon's still in bed, the kids are at school, and the dog is curled up sleeping on the couch. This is the quietest I've had the house in I don't know how long, and I'm enjoying it! I should probably get some studying done, but my head is hurting a bit and I'm about to go take some codeine. Like Jamie said last week, codeine is like a drink in a tablet.

11.22 am Arrrrgh! The pain is starting to hit with the numbness going!

I had an email back about the MSc programme I'm wanting to do, and it said that the degree programme I'm on now is perfect as an entry to the Forensic Criminology degree! Now all I have to do is keep my grades up and find the money to do it!

3.52 pm I'm not going to make it to my seminar tonight. I hate that. I said I was going to do better this year in going to all my lectures and seminars, and now I have to miss another one because of this stupid tooth. It's amazing how much trouble one small tooth can cause. I'm just waiting until I can take some more pain killers.

The little guys are home. Simon actually went to pick them up from school because I'm feeling so shitty. Jack has given me a lot of cuddles, and Ricky has chatted away to me like he has to get all the words out of him or he'll explode. They have a new dog at their dad's so they've both been comparing "Buzz" to Mitch. Jack said, "Buzz doesn't bark when someone comes to the door or near the house". I pointed out that Mitch is also a good guard dog who will keep people from trying to get into the house.

5.28 pm I've just told Simon, "I have PMT and I'm not afraid to use it". I got a dirty look. (Yes, more bitch mode here so I have to vent in my diary or I will explode, and I don't want to have to clean up the mess.) It's hard enough trying to get him to do anything that doesn't involve whatever the hell it is he does on his computer all day and all night. For the record, I know it's nothing secretive because he doesn't suddenly close down windows or get upset when I walk in the room, it's all techy computer geek stuff. But it still pisses me off because nothing else gets done around here. He wants to know when I'm going to start cooking more often. When am I supposed to do that? I'm at university, studying, taking care of the kids, and I do cook, just not a big fancy meal every night. Just twice a week, the rest of the week is convenience foods and quick meals like stewed steak and Yorkshire puddings with grated cheddar, jacket potatoes, frozen chicken kievs and chips, etc. Not shabby meals, but nothing from scratch. That's mostly on Sundays and on the odd day during the week when I find the time.

Now I thought I had finally convinced him to print a label on a CD for me -- one that I've stored all my photos I've taken on -- when the phone rang. It was his friend. Forget Melinda, they have to talk about techy computer geek stuff now. I suppose his going to pick the boys up from school was his good deed of the day.

Yes, I'm bitchy. I won't tell Simon that though. I'm always the peacemaker around here, so he gets the smiles and understanding while on the inside I want to do a Bruce Lee on his ass.

9.37 pm I'm feeling calmer and less bitchy now. And all without the benefit of chocolate.

I've been printing out all the notes from the lectures I've missed over the past couple of weeks. Early night tonight though. I'm still wiped out from pain killers and antibiotics.


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