23 October 2005

Things That Have Annoyed Me This Week

1. People's butts. In general, I have nothing against the ass. After all, we all have them. I think they can look pretty good if they're male and in a tight pair of jeans ... but that's straying off the topic. What I do not like is seeing some girl with hip-hugging jeans sit down at a table in my line of sight while I'm trying to eat with her ass hanging out the back. It puts me off my food.

2. Know-it-all sidewalk drivers. Not only are there back seat drivers, there are sidewalk drivers. Sorry. Pavement drivers here in the UK. I don't mean drivers who drive on the sidewalk/pavement. I mean people standing on the pavement making comments about the way you pull out of a parking space. When I finished at the gym today, I was pulling out of the place I had reversed into (parallel parking in the US), but because I'm not used to driving the 4x4 and couldn't remember exactly how far the front bumper sticks out, I didn't just pull out in one go. I reversed a bit more and then pulled out. But there was some girl standing across the road making fun of me, holding her hands about a metre apart. I'll bet she doesn't even drive. If she does, I'll bet her insurance premiums are sky high because she doesn't care what she hits. I do care.

3. Guys with bling who think they own the road. Extra jewelry does not make you owner of the road. A guy yesterday was all over my rear bumper, then swerved around me in a dangerous place and did the same to numerous other cars. The fact that he was advertising an exhaust business makes me highly unlikely to ever go there!

4. Husbands. My friend Lynn and I are debating their usefulness. It's kind of the "can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em" scenario. I shouldn't have said debating because we are in agreement on just what good they are!

5. News anchors who don't check their grammar. The celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar have been going on, and today one of the news anchors goofed by making it sound as if Admiral Lord Nelson had been named after Trafalgar Square rather than the square being named after the battle. It was something along the lines of "the square from which he got his name". Unforunately it was live so I doubt I'll hear it again.

6. People who don't have a clue why they're at university. I had to attend a group meeting for all those students under the supervision of my disseration tutor. We've known since we began that we'd be doing a dissertation, and last year we had to choose the area of our research. For the meeting, it was requested that we have our topics narrowed down, but I over heard one girl say, "How the f*** should I know what my topic is?" Evidently she expected to be given a topic despite the fact we were told otherwise.

7. People who light up during anti-smoking commercials. This one would be aimed at Simon. There is a campaign currently running to show the damage that second-hand smoke can do to your family and friends, and instead of having second thoughts, Simon lights up during them. I'm trying to improve my health through diet and exercise, and he blows smoke in my general direction. Charming.

8. Bicycle seats.
Is it too much to ask for them to put seats on stationary bikes that don't bruise my bum?


Blogger Jenni said...

I feel your bike seat pain! My boyfriend is WAY into biking, but my poor bottom can't handle it.

2:29 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

My bottom is better now, but I still wish they'd think of our poor asses when they make those things! :-)

12:06 pm  

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