17 January 2006

Down a Dangerous Path

I told myself that I would go off my diet for Christmas Day. I'd planned it that way, and I said I wouldn't be disappointed if I put on a bit of weight that week.

Is Christmas Day over yet? If it has, please someone tell me because I'm eating like it still is!

Somehow, probably due to four hours a week of Tae Kwon Do, I've only put on a couple of pounds, and I've noticed that my stomach is getting flatter. That's down to crunches in TKD lessons and the gym ball I now have as a permanent fixture in my living room. Every time I think about it, I go do sit ups on it.

I need a regular pattern and structure. I need a routine. When lectures start again, I'll be back in the gym three days a week and continue my martial arts twice a week. Let's hope I don't outgrow my size 12s between now and then!


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