17 January 2006

Getting to Know You

Yes, I received another one. I emailed it on to a few friends but I've gotten where I like posting them here as well.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 10 a.m.

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Pride and Prejudice

4. What is your favorite TV show? CSI, although I'm addicted to Celebrity Big Brother at the moment

5. What do you usually have for breakfast? some sort of cereal bar, porridge oats or toast

6. Favorite cuisine? Mexican

7. What is your middle name? Kaye

8. What food do you dislike? Peas

9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? HIM - Dark Light

10. What kind of car do you drive? Mitsubishi Shogun

11. Favorite sandwich? Chicken and cheddar cheese, all melted on a bagel

12. What characteristic do you despise? Hypocrisy

13. Favorite item of clothing? Anything comfy, usually jogging bottoms and t-shirts

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you
go? Australia

15. What color is your bathroom? Lavender, white and silver

16. Favorite brand of clothing? Whatever I can afford that looks good but I usually shop places like Peacocks and Primark

17. Where would you retire to? London, I love that city!

18. What was your most recent memorable birthday? I don't have birthdays anymore, I'll just suddenly turn 40 and have a big party, then stop having them again

19. Favorite sport to watch? Formula One

20. Furthest place you are sending this? Australia (I emailed it to Pete and Merridy. He's on the Gold Coast, she's in Sydney, so I think Merridy wins as the furthest!)

21. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No one, it's on my blog

22. Person you expect to send it back first? I thought Pete would have been the first to reply with some kind of daft answers, but he's disappeared again

23. Favorite saying? Shit happens

24. When is your birthday? Too soon ...

25. Are you a morning person or a night person? This time of year I'm a night person because it's gets dark before 4.00 and I don't want to get up in the mornings. During spring and summer, I'm a morning person, even though it doesn't go dark until 11.00 pm.

26. What is your shoe size? 5 in the UK, 7.5 in the US

27. Pets: Mitch, the labrador/Staffordshire bull terrier mix, and Monty, the bearded dragon

28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Competing in my first Tae Kwon Do competition next month. Don't know if that's exciting to anyone but me, but there you go.

29. What did you want to be when you were little? A princess, a teacher, a nurse

30. How are you today? I had an exam first thing this morning and it gave me a headache. :-(

31. What is your favorite candy? Anything chocolate

32. What is your favorite flower? Carnations

33. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? The day I graduate this year, the British Grand Prix in June, Kate's hen night and wedding in April, and my weekend away in London with the MWSC two weekends from now. Sorry, I couldn't narrow it down. It's going to be a pretty good year.


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