25 October 2006

What's Up With Me?

I posted this last night on my MySpace blog, and the guy I mention at the end, the one I had a wonderful time with Monday night, read it and went ballistic! He seems to think that I was having a go at him, even though there is nothing in this post that he and I didn't talk about and laugh over. He's even moved me down in the ranking on his MySpace friends list. But hey, that's life, and if he doesn't like me that's fine. I'm just myself.


This is by no means a complaining blog post. It's totally meant as observation. I'm not going to go change myself for anyone, and I'm making that clear from the start. But it seems to have happened yet again. For a couple of weeks I was seeing Dave, a bloke I met a while back at the pub. Really nice, down to earth guy. He asked me out for a meal, made a big deal of asking the pub landlady what my hours were so he didn't interfere with work, asked my daughter if it was okay for him to start seeing me, and introduced me to his own daughter. We had a lovely time, and he surprised me by coming into the pub last Wednesday night.

I haven't heard from him since. From hour-long phone calls every day to not a single word. As far as I can tell, I didn't say or do anything wrong, but I'm not going to sweat over it.

The same kind of thing happened a few weeks before. Adam had been begging me since July to go out for a drink with him. He's another very nice guy, very genuine and a good laugh. Finally I did go for a drink with him, and then he disappeared too. Well, in a fashion. Out of curiosity I sent him a text today asking how he is, and he did reply. At least I know he's still alive.

I totally understand if a bloke decides he doesn't want to see me or just wants to be friends. I'm a bit eccentric and slightly (okay a lot ...) insane. But for heaven's sake! It would be nice to be told that rather than be left wondering what the hell has happened!

Needless to say I'm a bit paranoid, but last night I had a wonderful time with a guy I've known for a few months now, and at least he's been in touch with me today! In the time I've known him, he hasn't disappeared, and we even had a joke about last night about where everyone has been disappearing to. Well, I don't have a patio, so they aren't under there ...


And now he's disappeared too ...


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