10 February 2005

Diary Entry

4.26 pm I've thought it was Friday all day today, even though I went to all my Thursday classes. Well, I didn't go to all of them. I skipped my tort law lecture so I could sit and study tort law. I seem to get more out of it that way than by going to the lectures, which are pretty dry. I usually end up zoning out into zombie stage in those lectures. I did go to everything else though.

Now that I'm home, I'm too wrecked to write much. I've had an email from my dad saying, "SWMBO requests the honour of your opinion of 'The Wedding'". SWMBO is his name for my mum: She Who Must Be Obeyed. I didn't have a clue what wedding he was talking about at first, then I remembered hearing in the car that Charles and Camilla are getting married. I won't go into my reply here because I've posted virtually the same thing in Scrambled Mind.

I'm in the mood to make some chilli. It's a shame I haven't got all the ingredients. I had some in the canteen at school, but it was so bland I couldn't eat it. You can't give a Texan bland chilli! Jamie ended up eating the rest of it. He said he's a carnivore and can't stand seeing meat go to waste.

Bloody hell! Simon's come back from getting the compressor fixed in his ice cream van. One-hundred and sixty quid to replace it! I'm glad I bought my Euros for my Belgian trip when I got my student loan!

I'm still hoping to go have my hair all chopped off tomorrow, or Saturday if I can't get in tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, especially now that Jenni has told me about Locks of Love. They require that you have at least 10" cut off to donate it (it goes towards making wigs and hairpieces for kids who are undergoing chemotherapy or suffering from alopetia areata).

11.33 pm I wish I could have a normal sleep pattern. I was so tired from not sleeping well the past couple of nights that I went up to lie down on the bed for an hour before dinner, and I didn't wake up until 10.00. Of course, now I'm wide awake. Well, it's given me a chance to finish the front of Shelley's card for her babies. It's the first one I've made since I watched that card making programme in the middle of the night Tuesday night. I just hope the twins are boys like they told her they are, or I'm going to have to start over again! Now I'm just searching for glitter gel pens on ebay. Now I've found them. Another one of my craft hobbies that costs money ...

I still don't have my EU law assignment back. It's driving me nuts. So many people have done really well, and I don't have mine yet. Maybe I can track someone down tomorrow to at least tell me my mark! I think I'm going to be upset because if everyone did really well, and I have my hopes up, with my luck I'll get a totally crap mark.

1.15 am I suppose that, seeing as how I'm at uni at 9.00 tomorrow morning -- this morning, actually -- I better try to get some sleep. I wish I hadn't napped that long, but I didn't think to set my alarm! Still, as long as I get some sleep, it doesn't matter if I get it in two doses rather than one. I can make up for it, seeing as how it's almost THE WEEKEND!

I finally got the life insurance documents out, and Simon and I signed them. I kept putting them on his desk for him to look over, and he kept shifting them somewhere else. I'm not worried about something happening to him really, even though I tease him about his heavy smoking. That does worry me, but that's not why I want the life insurance. It's a joint policy, and with me going to Belgium in just over a week, I want to be sure that if something happens to me, he and the kids are taken care of. I know Simon. He wouldn't keep it all to himself. The kids would all go off to their dad(s), but he'd still look after them if he could, and this way he can. I suppose I should draw up a will at some point.

My god, my house is a disaster! He's done nothing all week, except to work on his ice cream van a couple of days, and I've either been at uni, studying or sleeping. I've hardly eaten at home, though I tend to fill up when I'm at school. I actually had breakfast and lunch today. I feel like such a pig, though I was a good girl and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and I already said I didn't eat all my lunch. No point going on a diet yet though. Not if the Brussels trip includes a trip to the Stella Artois brewery, a Belgian choccie factory, and lots of pubs and restaurants! Imagine counting calories on holiday. No thanks. I'll stay a size 16 for now and work on reducing the love handles when I get home. I'm thinking of joining the the gym at uni, though that will probably have to wait until April when I have a bit of cash. We're struggling to get this ice cream van back on the road so it can make some money, and I still haven't listed everything from the shop on ebay yet. I meant to do that tonight and got sidetracked with an online photo album and printing site. Typical me. Absent minded and easily distracted. And long winded.


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