16 March 2005

Diary Entry

7.35 pm I've spent most of the afternoon in bed with a migraine. It's not much better now, but I've got to sort kids out and do some studying, if possible.

The dissertation topics for next year have been released along with the applications, and I'll bet I was the first person to hand mine in! They appeared at 11.55 on Blackboard, and by 12.30 my application was turned in. I've known what area I wanted to do it in since I applied to the university, and when I saw that that was one of the available topics, I didn't have to do any more thinking about it! So, my first choice is domestic violence in the criminology department, second is victims and crime in the criminology department, and third is sex offences, law and policy in the law department. The applications aren't due until the 6th of May, and most students probably won't even make that deadline, but there was no way I was going to risk missing out on one of my choices or forget that I needed to turn it in.

I did some shopping at Morrisons, picked the boys up from school, and came home. I was going to spend the day in the library but the migraine blew that idea out of the water.

Other than that, boring day. I'm still pissed off because of my filling falling out, and they can't get me in to replace it until next Tuesday.

12.13 am I had a quick chat with Pete earlier. He's not very well again, which probably explains why he just doesn't sound like himself. He's still goofy, but just seems a bit off with me. Probably the sickness.

Turns out I got the Easter holidays all mixed up. I'm off for the next two weeks for Easter, then the next week for reading week. I assumed that the kids were off for the next two weeks because Easter has always fallen on the Sunday in the middle of the holidays, but not this time. They've all got school next week. At least I'll still be off for reading week while they're out of school because Simon would probably be pulling his hair out (what's left of it) if he was stuck in on his own with the kids for five straight days.

Braden has not only outgrown his school trousers, he's split them so badly I can't stitch them back together! Simon's going to try to find his black trousers to loan him until I can get him some new ones. That kid is just growing too fast! His feet have just about split all his shoes, too! Why he couldn't wait just a couple more weeks until I get paid, I don't know. It always works this way.

I did some studying, but I'm tired and going to bed! I don't have a 9.00 seminar, and I already went to a tort lecture this week so I don't have to even be there until noon, but I need to get some work done, not to mention find a place to park that isn't out in the boonies!


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