23 November 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know that it's a typically American thing to say and that it would only apply to my friends in the US (unless any of you in other parts of the world are also celebrating), but I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving! It is one of the things I miss by living in England because I love my family and have wonderful memories of Thanksgiving dinners through the years. My earliest memories are of going to my great-grandmother's house in Dallas and her incredible stuffing! I wish I'd managed to get the recipe for that, it was my favourite part of the dinner. My sister Kim preferred the pumpkin pie. Then again, because her birthday is in November, whenever my mum asked her what kind of birthday cake she wanted, she would always say she wanted a pumpkin pie! (I always preferred angel food cake!)

I've cooked a couple of Thanksgiving dinners since I moved to England. My second mother-in-law's birthday fell on that Thursday one year, and she asked me to cook a traditional turkey dinner for her as her present. The past few years I haven't bothered, either because I've been working or at university, but today I'm having a real turkey dinner being prepared by David for Malorie and me! Next year I will have to return the favour since I should have an oven by then!

So I hope all of you who are celebrating Thanksgiving have a delicious meal and a stress free day!

And I just have to say it ... Go Cowboys!


Blogger g d townshende said...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :D And I've always been a great fan of stuffing! Especially covered with gravy! Yum!

As for the Cowboys, well, I'll gladly root for them,... and anyone playing against the DEADskins! LOL I've always been a fan of west coast teams, actually: the Rams, when they were in LA, Seattle Seahawks, and the SF 49ers, of course, but I like Dallas, too.

My American football fandome is rather strange, actually, given that whenever I've lived in the US I've lived on the east coast. I guess this is what comes of being an Air Force brat and having no roots. :P

If you have roots, you could be likened unto a tree. If you've grown up in several places, then can you be likened unto a forest? :P I think so. LOL Therefore, I am a forest.

And the strangeness abounds! :P

4:20 am  

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